Tuesday 26 February 2013

Pros and Cons of Joining the European Union

  • Free trade and no tariffs between the membered countries.
  • They offer a common currency.  The use of the euro is mandatory as seen in countries such as   Great Britain.
    •    EMU sets a common currency exchange rate.
  • European citizenship allows for free movement between membered countries. 
    • This opens up more job opprotunities, therefore more potential to earn money. (Chartered Rights)
  • The broad range of membered countries opens up the access to a lot more resources.
  • There is no conflict between membered countries.  The solution to squabbles must be found according to regulations set out by the EU committee? Parliament?
  •  Can create a sense of belongingness, and unity amongst EU members
  • Multiple EU capitals so access to government members is readily assessable to citizens.
  • Members work together to support other members’ sustainability.
    •  Regional development funding
  • The EU has scholarships that promote education of citizens.
  • National identity of members is not compromised.
    • No official languages
  •  Regulations have been put in place so larger countries, like France and Germany cannot dominate the smaller countries.
  • Provide many public agencies to citizens
    • There are subsidies for farmers
  • The European central bank monitors interest rates.

  • There’s no common language between the countries, therefore communication is to all citizens at once is difficult.
  • The extra level of government can remove some of the power and responsibility of the country.
  • The regulations set up to protect the smaller membered countries can take from the larger countries.
  • Threatens the national identity of membered states, like in Sweden.
  •  Meeting the requirements to join is hard.
    • The border of Europe is undefined, but you have to be apart of Europe to join the EU (ex: Morocco)
    • Governmental criteria and economic standards are important.
  • The executive, the European Commission serves the EU’s interest not the individual country.
  • Member states have less control over what is made or sold in their borders.
  • Loss of sovereinity as many individuals in Greece have suggested.
  • The wealthier countries like Germany have share their wealth with other membered countries
    • Bailing out Greece
  •  All members are bound by the same rules; therefore outside countries are capable of influencing your country.
  •  Hard to withdraw from the EU once you have joined.
  • The EU can kick out leader of government if they feel it is necessary
    • In Greece they removed the democratically elected leader and appointed an alternative.


  1. Hello Author, Thank you for the Pros and Cons of joining the EU. This helped me with a Geography presentation. And it was very informative and correct.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi author,
    My family is from an EU member state and some of your facts are totally incorrect, such as the one about the Eu parliament being able to kick out any government leader at any given time. You probably should get your facts checked out just so you won't be giving people wrong information. Other than that, your list was very helpful.
