Tuesday 12 March 2013

Picking Your Tools

Partners: Jamie Bereti-Legere and Dana Johnston

Research Question:  What causes revolution?
·         Using the list made from the quest “Isolating Variables”

  •  Most Different System Design, because the outcome will always be identical; a revolution.  However, the factors leading up to the revolution may not always be the same. 
  • Most Similar System Design could also be used, because a lot of the factors that contribute to revolution are similar, where as the outcome of the revolution may vary between countries.
  • Choosing a sample size is difficult because the number of countries that have experienced a revolution are limited.  This means that selecting case studies are a more realistic method of analyzing revolution.
  •  In countries that we used as case studies surveys could be used to determine the variables, which contributed to occurance of revolution.  In this case a large sample size, and the use of statistics would be useful for gaining a broad and valid insight.  In depth interviews would be to time consuming, especially in countries like Russia and China where there’s a large population.  Prior to giving out the surveys, measures such doing a test run in combination with statistics to prevent bias.
  • Revolution can be dangerous, or are in the past therefore observing a revolution unfold is really unrealistic.   However observing the aftermath could contribute to the understanding the results of a revolution, which can broaden our understanding
After analyzing all the potential research methods, we have decided to use these tools:
  1.       Case Study (Russia, China, Cuba, and the Arab spring)
  2.       Most similar system design (could also aid in developing questions for the survey)
  3.       Large sample size in combination with surveys (the sample must be from individuals present at the time of the revolution)
  4.            Statistics to analyze the results of the surveys.

In terms of reliability, our study is fairly scientific because of the statistical component of our research. In combination with our large sample size we can accurately pin point the variables that lead to a revolution by doing the surveys. This allows for a broader range of peoples experiences to be taken into account. As sample size decreases so does reliability of the research design. Furthermore, we must assure that our survey questions are free of biased in terms of the factors we think contribute to revolution. Bias can decrease validity and reliability of our research.  Analyzing the response of the surveys using statistics can aid in preventing bias and increasing reliability of the study. In terms of validity, our research design is weakened by the survey, because the questions of the survey can hinder the experiences of individuals.  Also, the use of multiple case studies makes our design more valid, because it is technically considered as a smaller sample size.  This small sample size enables us to evaluate the specific variables contributing to revolution.

In conclusion, based on our research design, we believe that the causes of revolution can be accurately determined.

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